Ach, Du Liebe Zeit! The German Firewall
Has Fallen
Hot Air, by Beege Welborn
Posted By: Dreadnought, 1/30/2025 9:46:29 PM
Put your pith helmets, body armor, and sandals with toe covers on. The unthinkable happened in Germany yesterday, and it has drawn the Gorgon from her lair, breathing fire. I mean - holy smokes. I cannot get over even this picture alone, less mind the seismic goings-on. Alice Weidel, Alternative for Germany (AfD) leader, as she clasps the hand of Christian Democrat Union (CDU) head with a YUGE grin on her face. Freidrich Merz, leader of the Christian Democrats, had alluded to what he had in mind after the horrific attacks just a few days ago. …Christian Democrat (CDU) leader Merz is rattled enough to know which way the populist wind is blowing