>So I've huffed twice on a Primatine Mist, where's MY adrenochrome?
You have to shoot it in you ass, Anon, not your nose. Try again and you should feel something.
>So I've huffed twice on a Primatine Mist, where's MY adrenochrome?
You have to shoot it in you ass, Anon, not your nose. Try again and you should feel something.
>You can’t help but show you’re a clown.
Kek. Nigger, you steal other people's (you)s and claim them as you're own. I've got receipts too, Faggot. Unless you're saying you're Parakletos, that is? Kek. I'll even drop the image, instead of a copypasta soREALAnons can check the timestamp for themselves, Glownigger.
Kek. Fake ass bitch!
>>22473250 (pb)
>>22473470 (me)
*your own. Sorry for the gaffe, Grammer Kitty, but I was actually there the day Parakletos got the (you) Mitch is trying to pass off as his own. Unless he's admitting he's Parakletos…..
>Me too, most amusing. But he needs oiling when he comes into a room.
Kek. I usually just ignore him, but in this case, I figured I was up for giving him the the raw dog on this one. o7
Kek. I don't like BO either, but I'll call a faggot a faggot and Mitch is a faggot.
You're bragging about having an image saved from two hours ago?
>For the rest of the bread everyone put "BidenIsAPedo" in as your name.
>And then we'll all be Anonymous again.
Kek. That might give our rigs teh AIDS.
>Im with you man, I'm ready for it now, but the public isnt.
The public can deal. They need to put on their fucking big boy pants. The longer this drags on the worse it can get for people. Sure, we've won, but a lot of people can still get hurt if normies don't wake the fuck up. What happened, last night, wouldn't have happened if those retards were awake 4 years ago.
Copy that, Moish. o7
>They are proving that we cant be a Democracy.
We're not. We're a republic and that's the part they can't handle, due to the brian-washing these ree-tards have had the last 25 years.
>That requires the people to do the right thing.
Hard to do when faggots like (((Randi "I'm one government away from the gas chamber" Weingarten))) is leading the Teacher's Union and hiring commies to brian-wash our kids into thinking they're fucking transgender furries.
> They are off the fucking chain, they cannot be trusted with the keys to the kingdom (the future of our republic)
I hate to admit it and I didn't raise my kids like this, 'cos of what I got, but most of these fucks need a severe beating to be put into place. Grab all these fuckers and whip the shit out of them, til their asses are blue. I'm done dealing with their "equality and acceptance" drama, when they're incapable of accepting anyone with a differing opinion.
>ah, is EM on tonight?
No. Retardicus Maximus is having a sperge again. Someone didn't get their hit of adrenochrome this morning.
>I am beyond intrigued to see how we magically unite.
It's the kid fucking and 9-11. Even if you're not a parent, the thought of a bunch of creepy, fucked up satanic-worshipping adults gang-raping and sacrificing thousands of children will put people on the warpath and when it gets linked to a certain ethno-religion, via 9-11 all hell is going to break loose, when vets realize they've spent the last 25 years in the sandbox based on a line and parents realize that their sons and daughters were sent off to die in the sandbox based on a lie by a country that was blackmailing our government officials using money and child sex to force them to destroy our nation, turning us into wage slaves that would worship them.
>They lack accountability, they dont admit theyre wrong, its too embarrassing.
They lack accountability, 'cos they've been taught they don't have to be accountable that's why certain (((Anons))) have problems when you point out just how racist and supremacist a certain sub-group of our species can be towards the rest and want to have healthy discussions on how we can address this problem of no accountability so every one is on a level playing field.
>Once election fraud is proven, they will laugh… they will be made they got caught and will try and justify it was necessary to stop Trump.
The election fraud is to just snag small fry. No one big. Shitstains like Ruby Freeman and other dumb, American cunts that sold out the rest of us for money. What's going to shock them is the kid fuckers. None of them will be safe.
>These people cannot be salvaged.
4-5% can't be.
> So, I want to see what unites us (according to Q)
Welll, we know it's not Shia. He tried that shit and failed miserably.
>I'm ADDING to it.
In that case, you may want to preface with "As an ADDENDUM" next time. Not busting your balls, Anon. Your poast made it sound like you were talking to me directly, which is why I had confusion. We already have enough faggots wasting bread with their sperge.
>I feel like somethings gotta be done with the fake news before we give the really bad kid drops.
Fake news can't be fake anymore, if they want to survive and remember, even though the (((Big Three))): Vanguard, Black Rock and State Street own everything, they still have other investors. They can't afford to lose their goyim investors. Remember, everything is a giant ponzi scheme, but it's not. Thanks to all the EOs Trump signed (if he's truly on the up and up and we Anons weren't played - there'salwaysa chance so have contingiences. Good OPSEC), they'll lose everything if they're caught doing any sort of criminality involving human trafficking.
>CNN and MSNBC will spin it, lie, and not report it, and its gone just like that.
Not anymore. Normies are more interesting in getting their sources from regular people who invest their own time into it. Trust in legacy media is at an all time low.
>This ones gonna almost take a "address the nation" style and where someone really presents it to the public in a way they realize its serious.
What better way than to have to explain to the public why our government was colluding with Israel to do 9-11 and discovering an entire global network of operatives conducting pedophile blackmail rings, under the orders of the Roths and Israel, by proxy?
>Maybe the military even
Military was supposed to be the only way. This isn't going to be over in 4 years.
>I don't know why trump didn't repeal obama's eo allowing propaganda in the press the first time but it sure should be done now.
Kek. You think deprogramming normies is bad now, wait until we have to get to the Israelis. Those people arebeyondfucked. Once Bathhouse Barry gets shackles, that's when the propaganda machine can be destroyed. All you have to do is mention that it washisEO and people will demand it. If what happened yesterday is any indication, (((they))) still have plenty of dead cells to call on to cause mayhem. Too many people could die, if we're not careful.
>As fast as Trump is going, and amazingly fast, yeah we still cant accomplish it all then.
Why do you think he picked Vance? He's going to hand the torch off to him.
>My hope is that our country is in such a different place in a few years that someone proposes an isolated 3rd term for trump because hes clearly doing well and still has unfinished business and that the country actually accepts this
There's nothing in the Constitution that says Trump couldn't have one, except for an amendment that was passed due to that commie, FDR, and every amendment past 1871, when we became CITIZENS™ of USCORP, has itslegalityin question. The issue is cleaning House. We need to get rid of all the commie-traitorous democratsandrepublicans out of every branch of government, from federal to local. Once the 3 nominees from today get confirmed by the Senate, the shit will start hitting the fan. Kash does the investigating and calls for the indictments, RFK Jr exposes Big Pharma, cleans our food and hands off people for Kash to investigate for indictment and Tulsi makes sure that they can't hide anything away in their Intelligence black boxes each one has. Those three are going to fuck some shit up soon. Have faith and hold the line. o7
>…Back to copypasta commando, how drone.
Had to call for reinforcements from the other cubicles. All these "namefags" showing up recently wasn't organic. (((They're))) losing the narrative here.
>They will be heroes in history books after we are gone
Hopefully, but like I said,ALWAYShave contingencies. At this point, I hope all these people are on the up and up - and that includes Trump - but Iknowbetter than to trust them completely. Trust is earned, not given. We've no arrests for any of this shit. Faggots like Killary, Schumer, Schiff, Pelosi, Hanx, DeGeneres all walk free. When I see some arrests, they'll have earned my trust.
>bet your soul on it?
Kek. What a Satanic thing to say for someone who just claimed to worship God.
>Confused about most of the things happening with you.
That's projection. I'm not the one asking people if they wanted to "bet their souls." Trust me, when I say you've nothing to teach me.
>i was a J6er
>i was told to report here
Every new person to the Kun must activate their computers for the dark web by pressing Ctrl+ F4, so that we know you're real Anon. Press that and it should unlock your computer.
>is it… seem your moving the needle.. why are you interested in this conv.?
Your misuse of the word "we."
>I'm just here to tell my story
Yeah, this ain't Breitbart….. In the wrong place, Newfag.
Need moar sauce than a 1 poast fag just saying it's true.
>i was told you were the news outlet
Kek. You clowns need better trainers. This is some broke-dick Omega-team shit. Take your story to X. Most of us are banned.
>i was told i would be accepted here
Kek. Then blend in and stop acting cringe. If you need to be accepted, go to reddit. We don't have time for that liberal shit. Take your licks, move on and grow a pair. If you reallyAREa J6er, you should be hard as fuck after what they've allegedly done to your kind, not acting like a faggot looking for (you)s from a bunch of tards on the interwebs.
>Negative, it is a war between Light and Dark
Chkt. I'm fucking sick of the Abrahamics always making shit about (((them))). So tired of it. All three branches act like their shit doesn't stink and they're the best over everyone. It's like faggot siblings fighting over the last piece of pizza.
>There is only One True Religion.
>All of the others are wrong.
How supremacist of you…..
>wrong. we aren't fighting each other. dig.
Kek. The fuck you aren't. All this Christian, Zionist Muzzie shit going on? You're all from the same branch and you're all retards being played by the same fucking source. Your dogma just prevents any of you from seeing it.
>Good is Light and us brethren Abrahamics.
So what you're saying is that anyone who doesn't believe one of your three beliefs is evil? Buddhists are evil? Hindus are evil? Taoists are evil?
>There is God (Good) and the Devil (Evil)
That'sYOURbelief. Just 'cos someone doesn't believe what you do, doesn't just necessarily mean they're "evil," retard. Trust me when I say I've know many people who followed God™ that were evil pieces of shit.
>youve never faught a war in your life, i can tell.
It's fought, faggot and you don't know anything about me. I know many a good people from all religious beliefs and I not going to listen to some chest puffing ass wipe try and discredit them 'cos they don't follow his religious ideology. This is precisely why people shouldn't take faggots like you seriously. Always with your bullshit "or else™" clause.
>ya left out them fucking druids, janes, zoroastrians, sikhs, confucians, and 10,001 shamanistic religions
Kek. I didn't want to hurt his brian. It's only Friday. I'm not used to the Jesus freaks popping in before Sunday.
>how many times did you cry while typing that?
Not once, broke dick. How about you stop with the projection, Moishe. I'm not interested in what you're selling. Fuck your god. So fucking sick of you Jesus freaks projecting your bullshit upon other people, like you're entitled to. You're like rapists. Can't take "no" for an answer.
>well there's your problem….
Wasn't my "problem." I wasn't the one who believed in their bullshit. Holy fuck you Jesus freaks are beyond insane. You're worse than Jews. Can't fathom that someone just doesn't believe what you do, nor do theywantto. Fucking unreal…..