the only way for trump to deal with brics countries is to have a meeting with china, russia and india leaders and make a deal. Blocking them with sanctions won't change a thing.
I'm gonna come.
99% of these political problems come from them refusing to sit around a table and compromise around a deal. Why are they so arrogant? It makes no sense.
seems like the american deep state subverted even the royalty in UK. damn nigga
whats most important: The constitution or the masonic brotherhood?
i guess you're right. Good point anon. Digits confirm.
It would explain why the macaroni did picrel. Globohomo is so gross.
why do they always look like this. Why do they look so gross and asymmetric?
i found the proof guys
why doesn't he team up with tucker
literal satanism in its absolute and most obvious perfect definition. It simply doesn't get more satanic than this.
why does pentagon have access to internet at all?
yeah but why does everything have to be ghey all the time?
haven't seen a single bot noteable . being this schizo is ghey.
You're right anon. it is revolting.