>What in the world is going on???
Remember what Q said?
An efficient and clean way to rid oneself of unwanted problems.
A favoured method of disposing of South American leaders who refused to play ball as well.
>Lights of the World.
>Moment plane crashed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
That's a helicopter.
Damn, thought I had at least a gif or mp4 of the missile that was really only a helicopter;
Besides rejoice and be free from filtering your homo ass, not much.
Since when and in which countries?
Whenever anon sees shit posted by this faggot, anon always replays this vid and smirks.
However, the real SP is still a screaming famefaggot homo.
To save bread so bvs can whinge about slow breads and lock at less than 50%
Someone once told me a ridiculous story that women can have orgasms.
Obviously, I BTTFO and disabused them of this nonsense.
>WTF it dropped like a ~~rock~~ helicopter.