Thank you.
Retard911 slogs on
Gonna book a bird down Florida way, roundtrip tickets $50?
And check the Cabalist houses for free stuff
That's like the missleplane that hit the Octagon when Kennedy got shot
Babylonian CrapSnackers BunkerBust Philly's Friday PizzasFest, film at 11
A fuckin missile, full Nuke volley to NATO BabyFuckerStates , Bad Charlie and South American Bushwakodoos
Musta been a Cesna
Fuck Fox, kids got the scanner.
Looks like a secondary explosion
Babylonian CrapSnackers fight for the right to fuck children with horrible and stupid Fuckin Alphabet Traitor DeepState "soon to be screaming and writing sacks of flaming meat begging for death"
Be up couple hours before dawn to check on "Retired" Intel Brass, see if they are committing suicide