nothing is deleted. here is the entire bread number 2560 in PDF form from the archive.
Yes there is something going on, but NOTHING is being deleted.
nothing is deleted. here is the entire bread number 2560 in PDF form from the archive.
Yes there is something going on, but NOTHING is being deleted.
FFS how many times do we have to go over this.
H.R.2884 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): COVFEFE Act of 2017 was a "GOTCHA" bill passed AFTER POTUS's odd tweet.
Fucking do at least the slightest bit of research before you post your idiotic opinions as fact.
not passed, sorry I misspoke.
"House - 06/12/2017 Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform."
It is a dangerous bill. it should not pass.
Shills sliding. Nothing moar.
You are finally awake.
You wanna address the problem with your BVs? AFLB was not the only Clown on your staff. The David Duke crowd has been getting a little toor lippy.
These fuckinig SJWs hijack every fucking bread with [their] CIA David Duke Paid PROPAGANDA.
If anyone disagrees (in any way shape or form, they are a KIKE)
They spam the same half truths, lies and utterly stupid historical bullshit, in every bread.
BO, and this is shit your BVs and approved bakers are guilty of.
In those days the people of Judah will join the people of Israel, and together they will come from a northern land to the land I gave your ancestors as an inheritance.
Try as hard as you can. You can not stop TRUTH.
That anon did not IP hop. They actually have a brain, unlike you fucking CIA Paid Nazi piles of shit
Saving Israel for last.
The Rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon.
The very reason POTUS moved the embassy to Jerusalem.
But keep on hating God's word. You will enjoy eternity in hell.
Go Away Nazi.
Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says to the shepherds who tend my people: "Because you have scattered my flock and driven them away and have not bestowed care on them, I will bestow punishment on you for the evil you have done," declares the LORD.
Jeremiah 23:2
"In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. This is the name by which he will be called: The LORD Our Righteous Savior."
Jeremiah 23:6
Thus saith the Lord.
You Shills can just go hang yourselves now.
There are bad actors in Mossad. So you condemn all of Judah.
There are bad actors in the CIA, FBI, NSA. Do you condemn all Americans?
The Talmudic Jews are a tiny satin worshiping cult, so you condemn all of Judah.
The Mormons are a tiny satin worshiping cult. do you condemn all Americans?
It is a sign of respect. You ignorant pile of dog feces.
When you replace Jew with White. It becomes crystal clear who [these people] actually are.
BO, you sent your IP hopping attack dogs after me, but you did not answer my question.
Who put the jews in charge of the banks? Catholics. Grow a fucking clue.
Who put the jews in charge of banking.
ROFLโฆ Who is taking only one side of history.
Ohhh that's right you ridiculousness fucks that think that only the jews are responsible for everything that is wrong in society.
The Idol worshipers could not charge interest, so there was no reason for them to lend. Except out of the "Goodness of their hearts". and since they had no hearts there was actually no reason to lend.
Do all the mental SJW mental gymnastics you want, You are living in fantasy land.
Translation = You are nothing but a hate filled troll. Who will spend the next few eons burning in hell.
that was all of them. the Bushes, the Clintons, the Bin Laden, and the Roths. If you think it was just the Jews, you are one of the 4-6%
the Bin Ladens are/were part of the house of Saud.
One tends to get a lot of backlash for suggesting anything was not "The Jews"
[They] will get their eternal rewards. And it will be glorious.