Backup Baker riding early morning shift as well. Shadilay Anons
Why even post this? You think you are alone in losing your life being here? I STAY AND FIGHT !. YOU RUN FAGGOT, WE GOT THIS.
I like how you put yourself in the kill box. Future proves past.
Find a balance for Christ sake. Do you have NO CONTROL at all over yourself?
I have transformed into some kind of vagrant looking homeless guy thats mean to everyone now. Not blaming Q blaming the fact I know and no one else gives a fuck. Def stressful . Sorry to hear about a family broken , this is war no matter how many say we are just internet addicts or whatever. The waiting is because of the clock and the plan. Simple to get to this conclusion. This evil has killed another 2 people it sounds like. Q will finish this with the heavy lifting soon I hope.
I know I keep my patience as high as I can . Its difficult when you walk from the garage into the home and its sesame street level mentality and dealing with children both adults and the real thing. Walk back out into the garage and its world war. I am adjusting and was being a bit dramatic. I try to be nice to as many people as I can but it has gotten less as the normies hate my president so I assume almost all are against him. I yell out TRUMP in public and the white men hang their heads in shame and turn the backs on me. Sickening.
Florida if you can believe it. I say "Thank God for President Trump "out loud and everyone scurrys away and hangs there heads scared to agree or brainwashed. This is for sure a mental challenge as well as all the rest. This memewar is nothing to laugh at. Mentally I am cracking. Not blaming anyone or whining. I have been waiting for justice since 91101 and I can wait as long as needed. My hairline just gets higher and more wrinkles . For the future of the country and world's children its worth losing my life and every worldly possession to see Q win and Presidnt Trump win.
I will keep keep baking , praying and making memes/blasting them out. Saving offline and getting ready . Doing what Q says. Anon's are keeping my spirits up and I love to laugh at the memes . It's dealing with my family that is most challenging. Child like minds from TV and MSM brainwashing. I am used to being alone. Q will win Trump will keep winning and life will get better that is my AA. I read ACIM alot too that helps.
They want to MUTATE everything God created perfect and make it filthy . They will kill down to the last man on Earth. No one is safe from the ego's wrath and self destructive ways.
I was posting the meme not as an insult to you .
It's the black supremacy larp this morning . For sure filthy tits ex bv.
Good Morning Trump is your President !
You have no idea who I am but I know who [YOU] are .
Meber they said they have your passwords to your VPN. Q has it all . an't wait till [you] are gone. Last you for you E-Butt , I won't say your real name here. Time to go to sleep faggot. Give it a rest .