Anonymous ID: ff3feb July 23, 2018, 2:36 a.m. No.2250199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0217 >>0226

Q and anons:


Throwing this out there.

I get a strong sense of, “Here we go.”

I see a lot of people in a huge meeting room.

I see everyone doing shoulder shrugs, as if to say, “We’re ready, is there anything else left to prep?

The meeting wraps up and as everyone rises and mills about the room, I see everyone looking around at each other as the answer comes back without words, “Yes, we’re ready.”

Some slight concern of “over” preparation, with some thinking, “Are we too cautious?”

I see everyone knows, “It’s time.”

No more talking.

No more planning.

Knowing the time has finally come, I see EVERYONE holding their excitement back.

Everyone is more than ready, almost too ready.

I see them extremely resolute, with a spiritual and Godly dose of self-righteous indignation.

I see them with an easy calm and a confidence in their given roles.

I know that they all know, they are on a very, very special team.

A once in a lifetime gathering of people all pulled together to do something special.

The feeling that each of them has of being a part of this team, is very powerful.

Everyone knows what’s at stake.

If God is for us, who can be against us?


Romans 8:31-39

31 After saying this, what can we add? If God is for us, who can be against us?

32 Since he did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for the sake of all of us, then can we not expect that with him he will freely give us all his gifts?

33 Who can bring any accusation against those that God has chosen? When God grants saving justice

34 who can condemn? Are we not sure that it is Christ Jesus, who died – yes and more, who was raised from the dead and is at God's right hand – and who is adding his plea for us?

35 Can anything cut us off from the love of Christ – can hardships or distress, or persecution, or lack of food and clothing, or threats or violence;

36 as scripture says: For your sake we are being massacred all day long, treated as sheep to be slaughtered?

37 No; we come through all these things triumphantly victorious, by the power of him who loved us.

38 For I am certain of this: neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nothing already in existence and nothing still to come, nor any power,

39 nor the heights nor the depths, nor any created thing whatever, will be able to come between us and the love of God, known to us in Christ Jesus our Lord.


This they know and know with all their hearts.

Nobody wants to let anyone down.

The sense of pride for this mission is overwhelming.

It’s the glue that binds.

They feel lucky to be a part.

They all know what’s coming next.

There is nothing else left to do.

They knew this very moment would come.

That time has now arrived.

Get ready anons, we will all be called upon.

The calm before the storm.


(Will report in next breads, it's important.)

Anonymous ID: ff3feb July 23, 2018, 2:52 a.m. No.2250248   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not a remote viewer anon.

Not being short with you, but I would rather leave this question alone for now?


As for a report in next bread, I should have been more clear.

I'll just copy and paste this in the next couple of breads for others to see.

Do me a favor please? Can you copy and file this?


Please pray for President Trump for his health and safety, that's big.

As well as Q and all the others involved in this battle of good over evil.

God bless us all.