They may live rich bountiful lives but at what cost when their time is up and they haven't spent a moment of it thinking about God? We're here to know, love and serve God in this life so that we may be with God in the next. That's where the suffering ends and only happiness begins. This world is affected by the fall of humanity and people are infected with sin.. this separates us from God. We can't escape it in this life. Don't fall for the temptation that God isn't real because you're having a hard time. Don't know what faith you are and I'm not here tot ell you what to believe. But if you're Christian you know the reason for all of this and why things are the way they are. Evil in the world is meant to pull us away from God and will seek to get you to ask the question you just asked. How can there be a God if this or that evil happened. You can't reconcile it, especially all the shit we learn here that regular people aren't aware of. Sometimes you just have to stop asking the question and choose to believe anyhow. Know that if you're trying to be one of the good ones and stay close to God, no matter what happens in this life you have something beyond positive to look forward to once you leave this place. The others who sought to only think of this world, or worse those who choose to do the work of evil in this world, will spend eternity with that evil they served here. Keep your head up anon and stop trying to find proof. Choose to believe and know you're better off.