Anonymous ID: 5fe913 Feb. 9, 2025, 2:03 p.m. No.22547633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7903

Iv been watching junior/bidenpedo/QP for the past couple of months and its pretty obvious that this specimen is jus a sad little boy lookin for validation from a group of anonymous frogs who on the whole couldn't really care and would actually prefer if it fell of the end of the earth.


It constructs this dream world in its head and projects it on here where it convinces itself its an "elite gamer" has the "highest IQ" of any anon, it makes $750k a year, its some kind ov neo hacker/operator etc, etc, etc…

The reality ov the situation is that it has no life clearly by being in here for up to 18 hours a day, an if its not doing that its off to the local airbase to do a bit of planefaggin which it also advertises on here as some sorta validation fur its useless exsistance..


The fact of the matter is that this a deeply disturbed and mentally ill individual that cant articulate a decent counter argument that it constantly starts but instead can only reply with slurs slander and abuse and projection and other crap and when it starts to lose the arguments its only retort is to spam the board to try an bury any decent opinion/responses of other frogs and if it really was as cleaver as its convinced itself it is then it wouldn't have doxxed itself on an anonymous board to such an extent that any anon thats been here for a couple of days knows its entire lifecycle…

It comes on an anonymous forum, namefags and claims it either runs/built the place or can destroy it in two taps of its iphone?!?

It also claims that its got a degree in computer networking? but seems to think everyone is a BO/BV or is currently hotwheels and is being deleted by them because it need suppressed or defamed because its such a superstar when the fact of the matter is the bread doesn't need tied up with its constant stream of pure bollocks it delivers day in, day out

And of course we are all running several devices and IP hop about constantly like it does but this obviously is just pure guesswork it really doesn't have a clue what's actually going on because its too busy hunting for the next (you) from anyone that will give it one that much is clear to all to see…

This thing is nothing more than a toddlers mind in a "mans" body and what i mean by that is ; ""any attention is good attention""and by constantly baiting other anons for a response with its shite, in its warped little mind it somehow validates itself, which may work in its mental construct but from the outside looking in it represents a sad lonely little boy who desperately craves attention from anyone and anything it can lik a junkie hunting for its next fix because it is such an empty vessel that it has nothing else in its life to the extent it fakes Q posts, builds consensus by talking to itself through different IP hopped Id's and the runs away to its social media channels where it pretends its some kind of ""Q-wisperer"" to the wider public as the only one who acknowleges these Q posts because the board is so compromised that only his "supreme intelligence" can see it and any other anon is too stupid to figure it out, which is obviously complete crap but again thats the construct its built in its mind to validate the empty life it leads not to mention it thinks its getting targeted by "the feds" through voice to scull or deliberate sabotage of its life but again it is the one doing it to itself but its overinflated ego cannot accept that so it needs to blame something else for that whereas its just too stupid to self reflect and realise its own flaws and to try to fix them.

Im not going to go into the incident that involved his niece that it admitted to on X and subsequently ended up in noteables a couple of days ago but that is also corroboration that this a sick and twisted mind that is nothing more that a cancer/liability to this movement as it serves absolutely no purpose to this place whatsoever…


I know im going to take yet another wall of abuse for stating my opinion on this matter but that's no different from any other day and at this point im bored of its pish its so old and stale now that its went from stupid to absurd but it needs to know that its fooling no-one bar itself, is making itself look stupid to anyone who unfortunately interacts with it and the sooner it grows out of its immature phase it seems stuck in then not only will its own life be a bit better but this board will be a bit of a nicer place to be again…


((Hawk T2 QFI))) <- so who ((YOU)) know where this came from hunnybun, try thinking about what iv said here but i wont hold much hope for that so ill just continue popping you in the filter where you belong until (((you))) start to see a bit of sense….

Anonymous ID: 5fe913 Feb. 9, 2025, 3:10 p.m. No.22548021   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thanks for spamming the board with your shite pedo boy you're proving my assessment of you is spot on cheers for that it was all i need to kno..
