THIS ANON HAS RECOMMENDATED THIS MOVIE HERE ON MY TIMELINE A NUMBER OF TIMES, RECOMMENDED TO ANONS ON 8KUN, LOTS LURK AND NEVER POST, BUT ANON KNOWS FROM LURKING THAT IT HAS A EFFECT, WELL WORTH WATCHING GENECIDAL ORGAN - THEN COMPARE WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW? notable movie recommendation seconded Yeah, once seen never forgotten, especially if you have research as much as we have and had the pot. I do not agree with his full take because once you are aware of a problem then it is up to individuals to find a solution. Said it before, stop funding the corrupt system with your taxes !!=
Another anons review of movie https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/14776665.html#14776896 https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/14776665.html#14776897