Q I have concerns about who and who can not be trusted. With Wray supposedly recommending the MEMO not be published WTF is going down? Q are you deep state trickery?
Not one of the people in the FBI, DOJ, NSA etc are to be trusted.
their power is to great
Because starting that process and naming the bad element with transparency is what we deserve as the American people. We cannot and should not allow the feds to police themselves
If its more of the same go to your state militia. They may be just a bunch of rednecks but if ranks increase intelligent people will be among them.
Not to sound to pessimistic but I believe q needs some scrutiny we haven't given him. It is obviously a psyop and not a bad one because we are learning to come together and make a voice again. But I think Q needs just as much scrutiny
I know and disinfo is a necessary thing but I hate feeling I'm being played by two sides and not knowing if the one I'm rooting for truely has our best in mind.
You can take everything he says as gold but I think he needs more scrutiny.
We should scrutinize q to dumbass
Gowdy is not seeking re-elction
fuck off you bootlicking fuck