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>>222809 The Most Tweeted About #SOTU Address Ever - 4.5M Tweets
>>222617 Gannet Gives Grants to Journalists. >>224377 moar Gannet
>>219375 A bit of SOTU Analysis
>>219166 #ReleaseTheMemo? Oh Yeah. Don't Worry 100% - POTUS
>>216777 New EO - 01/30/18 Protecting America Through Lawful Detention of Terrorists
>>214574 Person of Interest in LV: Douglas Haig
>>212771 & >>212804 Missing Apache Helo's
>>212573 The Q Build-up
>>212491 "Suicide" related to CP (Mark Salling)
>>212453 Rules of SOTU
>>208645 5 USC 7324 [7][3][2][4] Reason for McCabe 'removal' violating the Hatch Act
>>208284 APACHE Moves/Countermoves Theory
>>208235 [US][risk][th][i][s][W][e][e][k] same day as original FREEDOM.png pic >>208314
>>208512 FF vs Real Flag
>>207771 Lindsey Graham 1 of 22?
>>207770 JC Tweet , Q Transliteration
>>206618 New FBI Deputy Director named
>>206011 CEO of DNC bye , bye
>>204336 House Intelligence Committee Votes to #ReleaseTheMemo
>>201694 McCabe [#2] Removed from FBI
>>220292 , >>189512 , >>174458 , >>144094 , >>136421 , >>118435 , >>9019 -- Notable Posts From Previous Bread(s)
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...#MadMaxine #SwampyWaters Fire Today...