really, is that something newโฆ. I didn't know that
then let Bill Kristol explain what time zone he was in when it happened
If anythingโฆ. I think the White Hats have control of his Twitter account
Not this bullshit whining about "what timezone he was in"
There is an Apache Coal Mine about an hour away from Greenbrier
so we pound on #GOPTrainWreck and simultaneously pound on #Memo as well
The shit always hits the fan when we are over the target
The greatest thing that happened today was the CDC Director resigning. Period.
People with Lyme disease need help. The fucking denial by the CDC and cashing in on Lyme by them is un-fucking-acceptable.
God Bless everyone who is making this happened and the operators in harms way.
nice recap anon ty
>>226247 love it ty for sharing
interesting that the logo colors match the McCabe Virginia Senate logo
I rode AMTRAK from DC Union State to NY Penn a few days agoโฆ.. held my breath most the way
The BIGGEST medical fraud in the history of medicine - DEARBORN and the CDC
http:// truthbetoldx81.blogspot.com/2017/06/biggest-medical-fraud-in-history-of.html
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8DU1Z6R-ms