"But who will do the jobs that illegal migrants are doing?"
1000s of newly fired, unskilled formerly federal employees would be a good start.
Quiet, Simple Legion. You'll never be me, even if the only thing you have to look forward to in your days now is hoping I drop a new hot meme for you to add to your impersonation routine to destroy me, but just exposed the divide and conquer narrative further when the focus switches from a group to an individual. You're just not as good as you used to be, Tranimae, but if imitating me and telling others that you are me helps you feel like you're not in second-place then by all means, continue exposing your evil ways further. Ya fuckin' deep state muppet.
"I'm going to imitate someone in front of him all day every day for years for the relevance and acceptance that I crave that I think he seems to have."
"Because I give a grade school band rendition of the composition means I'm the composer."