This like the news competitions bs so on like brackets so on of sports already tells me who this is so on.
This is also cover to say these people or so on are not who they are. They work with in the government and for the governments as part of dark projects is what I believe so on… so they have no intention of going away but only changing forms…
So this is an issue because I’d anyone sued them so on they are not supposed to know enough to be able to tell a judge what is going on. This deception is acting as a protection so on to themselves by praying on people that do not know what is going on…
This where it is getting in the way of individuals rights so on and liberties.
They will use anything is what I have learned now and then want to blame it on anyone they can foreign countries… racism… different people so on… different motivations so to speak. All of this is them trying to push and pull with doubled they have so on.
They all seem to want money is the main thing so to speak and on top of this it is like they want you to buy them food or anything else so to speak like this kinda thing.
This is where it seems like this is all government dark projects… also all leading back to news bs on things they try to place like this so on…
So this now why I believe nothing is real on a screen anymore… I believe these people keep telling me they are government mob so on and then they go it is ok for them because they are just pretending to be mob…
So then where and when is the line drawn on actions of mob and not mob. The secret is the definition does not change… when they self profit, promote, work in ways so to speak to frame and extort people.
They do this with an AC DC energy so on one min saying they are fans the next min saying they are not so on…
They where suits so on hiding who they are very life like so on ones. Then they are trying to create situations of stress so to speak…
These people are human traffickers and I will be suing them to the ends of the earth.
They think that they can win you over to some point and build up patriotic attitudes so on to protect them from being sued or justice from happening this why you see so much of the projection of they are state federal… law enforcement or and mil. The reality is they are people just like we are in this country with just higher standards because of power they have in situation.
Don’t for get to recycle…