Cont'd on the "Why do white ppl suck at deception":
ok I understand. But are you sure thats why? I get gaslit and called nazi just because I asked a question I genuinely wonder. Everyone I know sucks at lying and deceiving, we are like innocent sheep in this deception game. Yet When I read mossads motto "We win by deception" or sun tzu quote "All art is deception" I just can't feel it.
I tried looking up books like pic related, but I just can't grasp the "feel" of lying. It just always gives me this intense tingly emotion of guilt and it freaks me out in an unpleasant way. Maybe its genetic?
I heard some anon say that "women are good at deception" and that it takes trauma to normalize it. But all the women I know simply believe everything I say to them. Sometimes I feel regret after telling them wrong things.