Another one to add to baker no bake bingo card, apart from being half full of cachaça, it is now nearly 5 am and anon is so fucking tired, drunk, old and ugly that anon is in desperate need of beauty sleep; Vai com Deus.
Godly trips of batshit loony.
You mean the ol' slap the arse and ride the waves, you lazy fucker.
Dude, seriously, from the bottom of my heart - seek help;
Not only are you a menace to the board, anon seriously suspects you are a danger and a threat to both yourself and others.
Do we have to go down this road again?
Your were ok with the gif I posted of some lovely bosamage last bread.
Do I have to post some more antifaggotry therapy for you again?
Have this instead, homo faggot.
When you sign in as I am a pedo, I can't read your posts because you are name filtered. Seriously, get help. I wouldn't normally recommend medication, but …
What can anons do to stop you posting 300 posts per bread of delusions?
Notice anon is not being altruistic?
I say this not solely for your benefit, but for the love of God, return to sanity.
What the fuck do the numbers of my post have to do with gaslighting?
Seriously, explain your argument in front of the mirror as if you are trying to convince a normal human being and see if your words make sense.
If you think they do, anon has serious concerns about the state of the current mental health sitution in the US.
What do psychosocially predict Salvor Hardin?
> do you psychosocially
consider a body with equal forces acting on it for 380 degrees. What is the most logical shape all things being equal?
Damn, she is so ugly, even a can of baked beans wouldn't get it up.
Get your numbers right, faggot.
For a moment I was scratching my head and wondering why the faggots were deleting my innocuous shitposting.
But I do admire your psychohistrionics.
Added to my thesauraurus.
I have always been a tinfoiler and constantly mocked by my nearest and dearest.
However, my almost 60 year old brother has finally seen the light, but hit the retard wall.
He acknowledges that everything I have said in my entire life is actually true, but he's now become a flattard and talking about lands beyond the icewall and a plethora of retardia.
The faggot has gone from one extreme to another and will not listen to logical conspiridartation.
>equal force from 360 degrees = No idea
Consider raindrops, minus the force of gravity pulling them Earthbound
Hang about, ever seen hailstones?
Imagine if Europe hadn't been raped by the Eu; It would be almost the financial equal of a raped USA.
I already told you fruitcake, when you namefag as I am a pedo, I can't see your filtered posts;
Let's not go down the ginger route. You won't like me when I gingerfag.
You have been warned.
Don't be sick
Anon pays on average $1.30 dozen, but anon does not live in the US and they haven't slaughtered millions of chickens here
Anon seriously hopes you know how the peer reviewed system has been corrupted.
It's gone from let us examine the science to trust the science and if you don't, your paper will be neither neither funded nor reviewed 'favourably'.
I think this one will suit you well;
Agriterrorism. Who has become the biggest farm land holder in the US
Eurexit everyone?
Fark, it's now almost 6:30 am
>I was shocked.
I hope you learnt your lesson.
As a translator from Portandcheese to English, as well as a proof reader, anon has kekked so many times when the academics confuse the false cognate pretender with pretend. How many texts has anon seen that start with "This text pretends to …" when they want to say "This text intends to…"?
Many keks have been had with that alone.
Kek, anon is gonna raise a glass to you, muh faggot.
>Nobody has asked me recently.
Give it time to reach equilibrium when sanity again sails the oceans of our scientific literature.
Anon cares not for the this porcine featured beauty.
Anon desisted when anon noticed the silicone.
Call anon an old fart, but anon has a penchant, nay, almost a fetish, for natural beauty.
Fuck silicone and cosmetic surgery.
Thought you were gonna give up this slide?
Guess you need another gif to cure you of your faggotry this bread.
Exactly, anon.
Whoever convinced these cunts that men like duck lips?
Or even udders for that matter?
Anon once went to a samba school in Rio de Janeiro and they paraded their queen with an enormous silicone arse (the arse beats tits here in Brazil hands down).
During her dance, the silicone implants decided to reverse and anon almost gagged. Anon hates the enormous arse, but an an enormous arse with a flat exterior?
Just a lot worse.
Anon is a Siliconista and Botoxista, get it right.
Are you not entertained?
My question would be, how long does she have to pay you palimony?
Try this one. Anon hopes it becomes reality very soon
Sheeit meant the new improved version
You said funny; Tell me this is not what you meant.
Why is it Americans have failed to grasp humour?
You faggots would be lost without a laugh track and the rest of the world would still be going wtf?
Friends, for example, is described as a comedy; Aren't comedies meant to be funny?
What about Seinfeld? Funny?
No, not even remotely. Not once.
Try real humour.
And just to educate you retards on British slang, the verb mince means to walk in a very gay or effeminate manner.
And what I posted, not even a wry smile?
But you posted a video, faggot!
Now, you deserve another.
Click on them both and have a laugh and stop being a miserable wet blanket faggot.
Ergo, I do not proofread the shit I post.
Ok, I have already told you once.
I don't care if you were dragged up instead of Brought up or not; A vowel sound after an article requires an, not a. Ergo, an American not a american, you low-life gutter snipe.
You wot?
Perhaps you should watch The Yob as the main character seems about your speed - illiterate and retarded.
Thanks anon. I really appreciate your counsel.
Retard, anon has but one IP this bread, but whatever floats your derangement.
However, if you don't receive my message - pic rel