Anonymous ID: 02ac4b Feb. 16, 2025, 11:52 a.m. No.22595271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5280 >>5285

I remember when they tried that in 2021. Treating this place like a quasi-religion and trying to imply getting a you was like being chosen above all others and everyone should be in awe of that. KEK!

Anonymous ID: 02ac4b Feb. 16, 2025, 12:23 p.m. No.22595454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5468

KEK. If that one anon a bread or two ago was impressed by what I'm willing to go through for love of country, then y'all should see what I'd be willing to go through for the love of a woman.

Anonymous ID: 02ac4b Feb. 16, 2025, 12:34 p.m. No.22595511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5522

Well, time to detox and get rid of all that tetrahydrocannabinol that's accumulated in the 16% of body fat percentage. Like passing a piss test to get a job in the oil patch back-in-the-day, they don't care that much if you do, they just want to see if you have the willpower to stop when you need to, or at least that's the way it was around where I live, can't speak for any other area.