foreign nationals fraud rings using the IRS to get goodies and send abroad to foreign countries.
foreign nationals fraud rings using the IRS to get goodies and send abroad to foreign countries.
Wow they look alike.
Just so everyone know this talk of doubles, cloning, eugenics, NAZI medical experimentation and innovation, which never ended.
Check out Hugh Hefner's girlfriend!
NAZI tech, "exotic" also continued after the war, right?
Connect the dots.
British fam was in with Adolf and the NAZI , though they pretended otherwise.
Also German Royalty. 'Holy Roman Emperor" king of both Austria, Germany and Hungary, was their relative.
They all intermarry. It's one clique.
Why do you think the Brits have now gone full ORWELL
Lucky many or our ancestors ditched that place ~250 plus years ago?
King and Royals are traditionally supposed to protect the people /public.
But they ahve turned psycho.
How long ago?
Who knows.
Who controls them is another question, Ronald Bernard says there's 8K at the top who worship Lucifer.
P.S CiA founded by NAZI.
SWiss and GERMAN
HRC and Bill are related to the Rockefellers / Roths.
"Architects and Engineer for 9/11 Truth" is a controlled opposition hang- out group
Hang out op is explained here:
"Conspirators use tools such as labelling truth-tellers as “conspiracy theorists” and propagandizing the public to silence them and maintain control.
Another tool is staffing organizations with “clone thinkers” who won’t question the narrative. To achieve this, the establishment populates key institutions with compliant people, using tactics such as ideological onboarding, unconscious bias training and enforcing narratives through, for example, lack of promotion or disciplinary action for those who do not comply.
Most conspiracy theories are actually theories found in political science. So, another tool is to place a yawning gap between “conspiracy theory” and “political science.”
The creation of controlled opposition is also a tool used by the conspirators. The pose of controlled opposition is to build trust before redirection. By doing so, unified movements are dissolved into smaller fragments, leading to division and inaction.
You can request the vax without it.
I did and the doc said it would cost more money, I said alright
and she dropped it.
Wasn't that important.
They claim its to save money since Thimersol is a preservative.
it's a man, right?
not really. The forensic work has already been mostly done.
Same with the JFK.
Amateurs have been busy at work all this time.
"Nothing disappears off the Internet"
The main purpose of the repression of research on both events / attacks was to put off a review til the point Propaganda would say, "That was so long ago. Let it go"
But people on the Q team who helped us work all these years will not let it go.
It's not over. That's the whole purpose of the creation of this free speech board.
It's clear as a bell chime if you've studied it all along and figured out right away who the shills were.
A lot of on line conversation went into that; a weeding out.
Finally they just had to take down our blogs, YouTube Channels, social media reach and just ban us.
That's how they won.
It wasn't easy.
Nobody's giving up now, that we got his far.
It's obvious but just to make it plain; The discrediting of the Mass Media propaganda machines was a top priority of the perpetrators.
If the Media was involved?
Not really.
I's obvious but just to make it plain; The discrediting of the Mass Media propaganda machines was a top priority of the perpetrators TO BLOCK.
They could not afford that revelation, so they worked hardest against it.
But all along the PerpShill fought for every inch, and its all documented .
They were force to give up some ground, then fought a new battle against the lastes research, as it went along
The official nine eleven Truth groups are still chanting "Bld 7" That's the big deal for them.
It's like TDS, you can't get them off it, even though, if you think it through, you realize it's the worst evidence.
Aren't you supposed to put your best evidence out first?