Not funded by USAID anymore though. I've noticed they're not IP hopping like they used to since POTUS Trump took office. They still hop, just not as frequently.
Zip it, clown. You IP hop and try telling people what to do. You're the one running a script, shithead.
>stop doing push ups
Bullshit, do 'em. 50 at a time is getting too easy. Thinking of upping it. Can do situps forever though. My cardio is completely shot from being a heavy smoker though.
Are the pilots the same under OST Duffy as Buttplug or did airlines have to hire all new pilots at the start of POTUS Trump's term? I fail to see how it's the administration's fault when they're not in the cockpits or the hangars doing maintenance.
Haven't been on a plane since '89. With how things are going I have no interest in ever stepping on one, not that I could afford a plane ticket anyway.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Buttplug spent the last 4 years making everything "diverse" at the expense of competence and skill, two traits that are essential to fly a plane.
And 95 years later there are still clowns trying to use that angle for a divide and conquer narrative for their own power and profit. I didn't know USAID was an organization of the preferred focal point.
Amazing how weak these leftists are that they can't handle dissenting or differing opinion and need to stifle that? Or they make a big scene about a few hundred thousand in ads on social media being enough to subvert "their" democracy. Weak totalitarian fools.
Maybe if you didn't IP hop or talk about your wife, SmartDust, then people might have read what you wrote with interest rather than the response you're getting.
It's the tactics. Alinsky bullshit is in heavy use by the shills right now. "Keep the pressure on and their lies will break through and become truths in the minds of everyone." Almost a Goebbels thing but the lie ain't that big.
Notice the same rose colored glasses on the skanky mustache? Both those pics were taken within the same period.
Doubtfagging? Really? You need to do better than that.
Better luck next time, clown. Seems like you're the one stuck in those days by invoking that imbecile. The only thing I consider worthwhile from that loser is he coined the name associated with an anon that posted the smoking frog before they lost their shit when their divide and conquer narrative got a global and began imitating that anon to destroy the anon they targeted.
Based upon post formatting, Simple Legion is busy debating the cause of autism.
Based upon the IP hop too. Well, might as well piss 'em off. This image always seems to do it.
But think of how these crashes are now diverse and equitable. That's the important part.
Like fuckin' clockwork. Either they've programmed bots to recognize the image or the clown really is that jealous.
Thank you, Elon.
How about that? The Scottish government now considers praying inside your own home problematic if you live near an abortion clinic.
Scotland has sent letters to people who live near an abortion center informing them that praying INSIDE THEIR HOME could be illegal.
We must stand up for free speech!
Can't have compliance if you don't micro-manage every idea and concept. If you can control someone from praying in their own home then that's when evil wins.
That doesn't make it any less newsworthy.
Funny how MSNBC never had a problem with the FIB and C_A all in everyone's social media. Government employees telling those companies to censor and silence the free speech of Americans on American soil, but Elon looking into government waste is an existential crisis. Well, it sort of is, for the traitors to the country, not regular citizens or patriots.
Ever feel like a stranger in your own country?
KEK. All those that laughed from their ivory towers and said, "Learn to code" should learn to mine now that they're losing their cushy government bureaucrat job.