>>22599982 @realDonaldTrump Resist Revenge, DonPN
First of all Lowry, show some respect to the President of the United States, call him President Trump. It’s not Don! You immediately show your hate and disrespect for him by your very words. You and your Bulwark leftovers are traitors to America in every sense.
Second of all Asshole: PDJT is required as President to enact Justice all around and every event in our country, even for himself and especially for the Office of President and CiC.
Rich intentionally using Revenge is the radicals perverse way of smearing a legal and required act. ==It’s Justice Asshole, Not Revenge. There are no making amends and apologizing for federal and state crimes against every citizen and especially the President of the USA.
If they will and can do this to Former President they can and did do it to innocent American Citizensthat happened to Christian, Patriotic America lovers and in most cases Trump supporters. Justice for All and Goodwill towards men. So Lowry are you saying if someone kills the president and is not punished that every killer go free, if a citizen is killed there should not be legal justice. Are you freakin out of your mind?
Rich (poor) Lowry do you actually think they will ever stop if they are forgiven and not punished? (of course you don’t believe that because you are not Conservative, you are them, radical Dem and Republican or whatever group gives you money).
And really imo, you and your organization have a lot to hide because you participated in their plans to get rid of him, because he messed up your griftDon’t even try to intend to be Christian or have Christian Values, Globalist have no God and no Values.
Disrespecting and telling the current President anything with disdain and stupidity only means, you expect all Americans to accept the abuse of the left for the last 9+ years. And take some more.
Your organization and Every single person, organization, foreign entity, org, NGOneeds to be put on notice by God and Justice what you all did to destroy one man (in this case PDJT). If no REAL Justice comes all of them including you, will get away with real crimes and will continue to do it to anyone and all, without Justice Legally-
Rich Lowry, Resist Exposing Yourself and Organization that you worked with them to destroy Trump so you can continue to destroy America for filthy lucreWatch your back because your whole connected cabals and crimes will be revealed and judged soon, not only by courts but by the Highest Power of God in Heaven.
You and fellow Globalists are on a thin thread so shut to fuck up, or continue to FAFO.
You sir are a servant of evil designs, you are no Ronald Reagan, and it’s not a secret what your plans are. Be aware and shut up.
Call to dig on their org and everyone involved, it’s a WW criminal cabal pretending to respect America
(I could write 10 more pages on this, but there are much better and eloquent anons than I, here)