I live in the 200 mile border zone.
In 2009, there was a guy who was in the planning department that I wound up having to call, and it should have been a yes/no answer to a question. Suddenly, he starts going on and on and shares his "vision" - not knowing that I had read the Agenda 21 stuff. I started taking notes and let him talk and talk, and even complimented him on his vision so he'd reveal even more.
What he didn't know, is that I also knew the county was interviewing for a new county manager. And the pitch he was making would county manager level stuff. I also knew the existing commissioners, once educated about some of his statements, would not hire him. I went public, exposed him, and wouldn't you know it, he left employment and went who knows where to push Agenda 21 somewhere else.
The sweet part? Having a commissioner say, "over my dead body" once he heard what Agenda 21 was and this guy's plan for the county. Of course, the commissioner was acting in his own self-interests, because it would have put him out of business….. as well as portions of his family.