Your OG mea culpa spared you from this immediate QAnon meme, but now you totally deserve it after this post.
Your OG mea culpa spared you from this immediate QAnon meme, but now you totally deserve it after this post.
Why, Outside Comms of course!
That's right.
No trust Total Tippy Top mathematically impossible to deny verification required at this late stage of Q left to get a pack of smokes and never came back.
Q's TC is stale AF at this point.
Any Matlock looking to get ahead at Langley has cracked it by now.
>why no Fake Q then?
Good question been waiting for it to appear any day now.
It's prolly another old TV character (Columb0???) so a few tries would prolly get it for him.
Hey, don't pin any promises made by Fake Q 2022 on Real Q.
The traditional QR method of resolving problems has always been a QR Bakeoff.
Start working on getting your Dough set up.
Well, that's just wrong.
Everybody should be allowed to have a Bakeoff to see which bread anons choose.