Screen your trainees or you'll be training cartel trainees.
Here's where your fat welfare shooters are going to come from. What is VZ doing in SA, scouting for FF targets?
If Zelenky only got 177 Billion, did FJB pay the EU's $100 Billion to genocide Ukranians?
Kalifornia is hiding in plain site.
Send the bill for damages to
Fake Pope
c/o The Vatican
They didn't "do nothing". Generation after generation they made it a whole lot worse.
The ghouls lurking around the ICU scored the land Yankee Stadium is on from some old creep. seeking salvation. They owns lots of things nicer than churches.
Unqualified to be Janitor
Fake News Has Been Used for Hundreds of Years to Justify Censorship of Dissent
European Genocide II phase 3