Hey junior hav ye fucked yer niece again today?? You obnoxious cunt ye should b hung fur whut (((you))) done…
Hey junior hav ye fucked yer niece again today?? You obnoxious cunt ye should b hung fur whut (((you))) done…
Im glad ye can self reflect kid rapist, do the deed afore one ov us does it fur ye ya scummy pedo cunt…
Its not a place fur kid rapists mitch your kind ain't welcome here….
ThanQ anon ill drop them a line as a wee heads up that creatures like that roam around their airbase fences…o7
Sauce me as BO ye cant cause im not an you admitted touching up yer niece on x hunnybun, ma sauce is ya fukkin idiot!!
What crime is that exactly i dont see me posting about touching up a kid, thats all you!!
Oh an iv been waiting fur these court papers fur about a month noo, hurry along eh? I could use a guud kek….
No iv jus got here was workfaggin, clearly iv missed quite a bit ill trawl the las bread shortly an catch up…
Get s new tune yer shit is old an stale…
No i was at work an i cant delete anything or ah woulda fixed ma typo…try again…
You really dont hav a clu do ya???
Yea i noticed that kek, its got another yt but i forgot tae save the page. Giv it time he will dox it again soon enuf!!
The sad little boy jus cant help itself it supplys all its own ammunition against itself how fukkin retarded is that??