WHY September 11th
The Cover-up Of The Black Eagle Trust and Project hammer
With the bonds out in the market, they sat for ten years, like a ticking time bomb. At some point, they had to be
settled -or cashed in, on September 1 1 , 200 1 . The two firms in the U.S. most likely to be handling them would be
Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers - the two largest government securities firms in the U.S. The federal agency
mostly involved in investigating those transactions was the Office of Naval Intelligence
On that day, those same three organizations: the two largest government securities brokers and the Office of Naval
Intelligence in the US took near direct hits. Actually, the jetliners hit immediately below the targeted offices, as-
suring that the flames would engulf the floors above. This targeting strategy was also used on the 23rd floor of the
North tower, which was an FBI evidence repository holding information on allegedly illegal gold transactions.
The attacks had a related agenda. It seems that the covert Cold War
operation started in 1989 had resulted in a series of foreign and
U.S. allegations of financial impropriety, and as a result there were
at least nine federal investigations being conducted into bank ac-
counts related to these operations. All of these investigations were
initiated, in 1997-98 timeframe, which was the same year that Osa-
ma Bin Laden - after twenty years of recruiting Mujahadeen for
the U.S. covert wars - announced a fatwa against the US. (A key
understanding here is that federal investigations are preceded by
a period of 'quiet' investigation before an official investigation is
publicly announced.)
The Marcos Gold Hearing began in Los Angeles, in August
The banks and accounts involved in that hearing, were the
Swiss banks: UBS, and Bank Julius Baer.
The Eizenstatz Report and a public campaign waged by the Si-
mon Wiesenthal Center launched suits against three Swiss banks.
The Reginald Howe suit- in which the U.S. bullion banks were
accused of dumping U.S. Treasury gold on the market illegally.
The Reginald Howe & GATA Lawsuit was filed on Jan 8, 2000
naming Deutschebank (a.k.a. Deutschebank Alex Brown), U.S.
Treasury, Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve, Citibank, Chase, as
defendants. Also mentioned as having non-public knowledge of the
scheme are Gerald Corrigan and Barrick Gold. (The 2000 filing sug-
gests investigations began long before.)
The Bank of New York money laundering scandal: the Department of Justice was under pressure to investigate
accounts of multiple individuals who benefited from these transactions: Loutchansky, Marc Rich and Berezovsky
(Berezovskii.) The FBI investigation started in the Fall of 1998, The investor lawsuit was opened in September
These investigations involved accounts at Credit Suisse, Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), Dresdner
Bank, Westdeutsche Landesbank and Banque Intemacionale of Luxembourg All of these individual would at
some point be mentioned as playing a role in the money laundering scandal at the Bank of New York, that would
ultimately be reopened in 2002, after being buried for three years by federal prosecutor Mary Jo White, a first
cousin to former President George Bush.
The Avisma law suit was filed Aug 19, 1999 naming as defendants Bank Menatep, Harvard Institute for Inter-
national Development, and the Bank of New York;
The federal investigation of Konanykhine's European Union Bank: The Konanykhine investigation was begun
by the INS in February 1999. Other banks included in that investigation would have been the European Union
Bank and Bank Menatep.
Richard Giffen/Mobil Oil scandal- The FBI Probe began in 1999, and would have involved accounts at Credit
Suisse, Bank of New York, Cayman Islands, and the Deutsche Bank (a.k.a. Deutschebank Alex Brown).,
Yeltsin's UBS accounts were being investigated for bribery.
Kevin Ingram would testify that he had advised Bob Graham in
advance that the World Trade Center was to be attacked. This
Deutsche Bank executive was convicted of laundering money for
weapons purchases for Muslim terrorists through Pakistani agents;
The Ingram investigation was begun by the FBI as early as July
1999, and involved the Deutschebank (a.k.a. Deutschebank Alex