Note they are saying that they get the day off it may all be a skit so on as they may say I do not look anyways. I do if there is a concern so on from the customer our employees in the field are just as good as we are in the office. There seems to be this thing of CIA and FBI running these skits to try to extort us to recommend people for raises constantly. They tell you in Ai and other things to give them cash money so on like here and there as bonus so on… I buy them lunch ever now and then which is the newest theme they now want you to buy them food all the time so on. This is the extortion tactics so on with what it is… I believe they keep telling you that you must give the customers they are playing discount because they are friends if theirs… and remember you need to give anyone that is cia and fbi the best deals and loose money or police that imply you must give them deals… it seems like they where mask when they do this and so then you learn to no longer trust anything government so they are pretending to be these people.
This is like the move the guy was pretending to play a ethic man that was white that was playing the ethic guy kinda thing and then Joe they seem to have the ethic guy playing the white guy which has ethic background it is like saying all African American people are the same when they are not and have different areas they originated from…
This is where “white” and “black are all the same and there is nothing in between. Hebrew people have come from Africa and Islamic people are Hebrew… just not Jewish as a religion…
So they want to play this game they are knocking people out of the jobs that are of these political mind sets so on as they have some type of power they don’t so to speak likely.
So this where they keep telling they are the mob and everything is get anyone that supports Trump any means necessary…
So now they have an organized labor guy maybe someone that watched them so on and is now not happy so on with a business I work for that is not Union and want to act like for some reason I do not think Unions have a place at all in the country. This is what they do and is the idea to make someone like against the Union or something this how they want to make sure they keep Union against Trump.
Get Trump any means necessary is the idea…