Oh note they want to bring up anything with bones to say they are taking responsibility for my back injury is the idea this how they rub it in your face they are the mafia.
Note they are having employees with noises and other things as they call and other EMS and over loading the phone at my work.
This all done to say marry who they demand and say and or also be gay with African American gay men or we will call you racist.
This makes me no longer want to even look at woman no matter who they are because they are always trouble and trying to harass you… it also is the perception that all men that are not ethic enough are considered racist especially if they voted for Trump…
This what happens every day…
All the time…
So learn to give all your money to woman and worship gay African American men… or else they send the mob after you.
They want to have woman that are large and incharge types control relationships between men and woman now and extort men for anything they can get. Tell them they just need to be married this long to get the most money they possibly can as the attorney and judges know this and they tracked all this… tell them to marry in California and they get money for life after 10 years. This is what they get foreign people to do so on is marry in this state rather then any other state…