I didn't know that.
Because they never existed and the Epstien story is fake and never happened.
Very telling that Trump doesn't allow comments or live chat on this channel.
Never was a fan of Macron but this speech has changed my mind. Incredible leader. Also kind of cute.
I am falling in love with the translator. I love how she sounds like she is gonna cry. Endearing and feminine. Reminds me a lot of Nikki.
Macron has a good argument. Hope Trump considers it.
Macron got the upper hand on the handshake. Not feeling real comfy now. Trump is owned.
Mr. Trump. FYI. Ukraine isn't the USA problem.
I like the way Macron likes to use troops. For peace only. Good stuff.
Great news conference. Looks like world peace is happening. Cracking open the bubbly now for celebration.
Dang. I had no idea. I always needed a reason to get out of here. I'm out.
That's where Q's next post will be.