American Suppressor Association Launches ‘The Sound of Safety’
American Suppressor Association’s (ASA) president and executive director Knox Williams sat down with Breitbart News to discuss the launch of a video series titled, “The Sound of Safety.”
The video series addresses basics, beginning with the ear and environmental protections achieved by shooting with suppressors.
The first video leans into hearing protection by asking, “Ever wondered what the difference is shooting with a suppressor and without one?”
>The Sound of Safety Part 1
The second video builds on the first to cut through Hollywood and leftist propaganda by showing that suppressors “dampen” a gunshot while explicitly pointing out that suppressors do not “silence” a gun.
Audio in video No. 2 allows viewer to hear how a suppressor removes the sharp, ear-splitting aspect of a gunshot but does not remove the sound of the shot altogether.
>The Sound of Safety Part 2
Video No. 3
>The Sound of Safety Part 3
remakes some of the points made in videos No. 1 and No. 2 but with a more narrow focus of using suppressors on rifles. ASA notes that having a suppressor on a rifle not only reduces the noise of the gunshot–protecting hearing and the environment–but also “reduces recoil,” which helps “reduce flinching when shooting.” As a result, the hunter and the target shooter enjoy improved accuracy in the field or at the range.