Seems this is the angle they're opening with this bread.
Their psyches really did take injury after their narrative sustained damage. Poor bastards.
I remember when they used to be a challenge, now they have to pretend to make it through the day here.
The only thing professional left in them now is their envy.
They do, anon. The trick is to not use them as your measurement of worth. Find it within yourself, it's there.
Sometimes it's not about posting the meme, but about posting the template for others to make the meme. Like in hockey, sometimes it's better to get the assist than the goal. Or that's how I see it anyway.
I'll never understand why people resent the success of others when compared to themselves. I'm happy for the success of others. If you can't be happy with yourself if you don't have what others do, then you just end up a miserable husk, regardless if you're wealthy or not.
I'm not impressed. I think they can most likely panic harder.
I think I'm going to make another meme for her. Going to have to put a bit of thought into this next one.
Empathy for envy is not something I seem to be capable of, anon.
Empathy for Envy
Sounds like some sort of emo band name.
Didn't you learn anything from this movie when you watched it as a kid?
Less whining, more trusting the plan.
Yeah, just looked at the github for gibberlink. It's a demo based on ggwave.
Really is the best they have to offer, anon. Think of how strong they were at the start compared to now. Their narratives are in tatters, their focus all over the place, and they're obviously not the professionals they used to be anymore. Kind of sad. Expected a bang and got a soft pussy fart instead.
KEK. Did they forget who has it all?