Anonymous ID: 0af2f2 Feb. 26, 2025, 10:54 a.m. No.22660134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0232 >>0262

Minnesota's Feeding Our Future trial: FBI surveillance footage showed no kids were served at rundown building.


Prosecutors reinforced their argument by displaying a photo of the ramshackle site, contending that, despite Aimee Bock’s claims, there were no visible signs of meal distribution or activity.


The prosecution called Abdulkadir Awale, a Somali business owner who has pleaded guilty to wire fraud, to testify about his involvement in the federal child nutrition programs.


In the spring of 2020, Awale said two representatives from Feeding Our Future approached him, encouraging him to participate in the program by providing meals for children through his three Twin Cities restaurants—Karmel Coffee, LLC, Sambusa King, Inc., and Nawal Restaurant, Inc.


At first, Awale legitimately prepared 300 to 400 meals a day, but after three days, he found it too difficult to sustain and attempted to quit. However, he testified that one of Feeding Our Future’s employees persuaded him otherwise, telling him he was “losing a good chance to make good money” and that there was a “different way” to do it—by fabricating meal counts.


Awale ultimately claimed to have served more than 3.6 million meals, securing nearly $12 million in federal reimbursements. He also admitted to paying at least $83,000 in kickbacks to Feeding Our Future employees to stay in the program.


Awale also testified that in 2021, Bock and other Feeding Our Future employees solicited donations at a meeting to help fund legal fees amid a lawsuit with the Minnesota Department of Education.


Awale will be sentenced at a future date.

Anonymous ID: 0af2f2 Feb. 26, 2025, 11:01 a.m. No.22660183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0189 >>0232 >>0262

Single-day encounters at southern border hit 15-year low.


Customs and Border Protection encountered a record-low number of illegal aliens at the southern border on Saturday, according to the Department of Homeland Security.


Agents “encountered only 200 aliens at the U.S. southern border. That is the lowest number of apprehensions in a single day in over 15 years,” according to a statement from DHS.


In February 2024, daily encounters of illegal aliens at the border averaged over 6,000.


“Under President Donald Trump, the days of open borders are over,” DHS Secretary Kristi Noem said in a statement announcing the number.


“President Trump and Secretary Noem have sent a clear message to illegal aliens: Do not come to our country,” a DHS spokesperson said in a statement. “You will not be allowed in. And if you get in, we will hunt you down and deport you.”


Just over a month into Trump’s presidency, thousands of illegal aliens, many of whom have criminal records, have been arrested and deported back to their home countries, including India, Venezuela, and Colombia.


During a recent interview on Newsmax, Noem credited the drop in encounters to Trump’s border policies, a clear message that the border is closed, and DHS ads being aired around the world that warn prospective migrants against attempting to cross the border illegally.


“Let me be clear,” Noem says in the ad, “if you come to our country and you break our laws, we will hunt you down. Criminals are not welcome in the United States.”


Noem’s message does not just apply to criminals. She warns all individuals seeking to come to the U.S. that “if you try to enter illegally, you will be caught. You will be removed, and you will never return. Follow the law, and you’ll find opportunity.”

Anonymous ID: 0af2f2 Feb. 26, 2025, 11:05 a.m. No.22660209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0232 >>0262

The FBI used female agents to infiltrate the 2016 Trump campaign as spies. The new FBI leadership is looking into the illegal operation against a candidate for president.


FBI leadership is starting an investigation into the origins of the agency’s plan a decade ago to infiltrate the campaign of presidential candidate Donald Trump using two female undercover “honeypot” agents.


The off-the-books investigation, launched in 2015 by FBI Director James B. Comey, was revealed by an agency whistleblower in a protected disclosure to the House Judiciary Committee last year and first reported exclusively by The Washington Times in October.


In the intelligence community, a honeypot commonly refers to an undercover operative, usually a woman, who feigns sexual or romantic interest to obtain information from a target.

Anonymous ID: 0af2f2 Feb. 26, 2025, 11:12 a.m. No.22660249   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No wonder no one trusts drug companies - or their regulators.


On Monday, Pfizer named Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni as its executive vice president and chief medical officer, overseeing the company’s safety and regulatory teams globally.


Until Jan. 18, Cavazzoni had a different job - director of the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. Effectively, she was the FDA’s top regulator.


I know what you’re thinking. Not the same Pfizer that made $100 billion selling mRNA Covid “vaccines” that failed in months and caused heart and autoimmune problems the FDA has ignored. Can’t be.


Why, yes, it can! Yep, for Pfizer, hiring Cavazzoni is money well spent. And it waited a whole month until after she quit her FDA job! Nothing to see here, folks.

Anonymous ID: 0af2f2 Feb. 26, 2025, 11:16 a.m. No.22660272   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden Admin Knew Natural Immunity Could Prevent COVID, but Ignored the Data to Instead Push Vaccines.


For years, the idea that natural immunity could protect against COVID-19 was ridiculed, censored, and dismissed as “misinformation.” Now, Dr. Paul Offit—one of America’s most prominent vaccine advocates—admits that the Biden administration never seriously considered natural infection as a valid alternative to vaccination. Why? Because of “bureaucratic concerns.”

This bombshell revelation came from Dr. Paul Offit himself in a video circulating on X (formerly Twitter) via The Chief Nerd where he acknowledged that natural immunity does protect against severe disease — a fact now backed by data.