Too many fools in here have no clue about "Nazis."
You've been totally brainwashed by jews to be anti-white. Your whole argument is advocating the pro-1965 hart-cellar white-replacement agenda and you're not fooling any of the oldfags here. Keep posting and making yourself look stupid.
The old guard united the Germans so they would be easier to paint them as evil and exterminate them.
The reason the old guard hated Germans was because Germans are smart and were the biggest threat to their plans for global domination.
Retarded boomers and brainwashed idiots here still think Germans were the bad guys, and not the (((globalists))) who holocausted them.
How profound. What an amazing way with words you have. You should be a writer, a poet perhaps. Actually, nevermind. Just kill yourself you brain dead boomer.
Doesn't matter.
The plan to genocide Germans worked and is still working to this very day with mass immigration and population replacement.
It's happening in the US too, behind the scenes.
Q is playing his role, helping this along.
Remember goyim, we're stronger UNITED! Let your daughters and wives unite with non-whites, erasing your history and culture forever, creating a future where you are the hated minority.
Oh ok, you're just a completely confused retard then. Carry on, I will ignore.
Are you really that stupid that you don't understand why NAXALT arguments don't work? Why are you acting like a globalist shill? You're so brainwashed you don't even realize you're anti-white.
JFC you're brainwashed and doesn't look like there's much hope. Take Q's advice and research. Your posts are fucking retarded.
It really is this simple. Amazing how many people still have their eyes closed.
You still don't get why Q came to pol.
Your posts already proved you don't have a clue, advocating for Jews at the detriment of white Europeans. Not fooling anyone, faggot.