The scam almost works. The wealth of the new world was supposed to crush the protestant revolution. Unfortunately, England builds a navy, sinks the Spanish armada and claims America and Canada.
Vatican tries to regain control by ironically starting the French revolution which they hope the newly minted America will copy. The reason? France was going to be a model for socialism and communism (which hasn't been officially named at this point, but communists later look at the revolution and know what's up).
America doesn't take the bait. Even though the French helped them win the war. Fuck.
Fund Marx and communism is officially born. Time for a world war to burn it down and let the Phoenix rise!
(it's not the Jews, it's the Phoenicians, which is a collective)
1913 take over USA money supply. Success!
1917 Russia is FINALLY FUCKING DEFEATED, their claims over the new world are DEAD. Communism is installed! End the war!
WW2 already being planned. Germany was to expand to the size of Holy Roman Empire, England was to say fuck no and burn it down, after they get exhausted Stalin was going to swing in and wipe everyone out. Install communism in all of Europe.
America wouldn't be able to compete and public manipulation would eventually lead to America folding to communism.
History would now be completely in the Cabal's control.
Perhaps at this point communism can "fail" and everyone will be most happy to have the Phoenician Vatican rule them and the whole world will worship the Sun.
Now you know P