Anonymous ID: 3aa504 Feb. 26, 2025, 9:18 p.m. No.22663399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3401 >>3414



You assume normies heads will exploded but even with their limited understand, the truth revealed will open their eyes enough for them to make sense of it all. Example, I can read people very easily, and I see one recent HS libtard grad working at a grocery store and know, that he pushed the libtard narrative so far including telling off customers, telling them wear a mask, constantly offended, even went from a he/she back to he. Now that he is vaxxed and aged tremendously, he constantly wears a mask because he is extremely sick. Give him the truth, he may turn against them, testify against them, and make sense of his life, or he will exploded in rage and just keep doing what he always has, shekel gathering for a minimum wage job and wait upon their big hey day.