>>22662680 pb
>>22662357 pb
Ever consider that these measle breakouts are from local toxic saboteurs? China dust not just as a dust or a fine mist but slightly bigger droplets. This dust when dried will form anywhere from fine prickly heat bumps, or dry skin as it is diagnosed, to pimple and wart sized growths. Fine mists usually cause what looks like dry scratches or have a flakiness look. It is usually mixed with a little bit of cyanide to help it burrow into the skin as cyanide melts living tissue. Then they use radiation to exuberate the condition causing it to either incubate, agitate, which spreads the infection to other parts and eventually to vital organs. Menthol Goldbond can be applied topical to help dry out the fungi and propylene glycol can melt the chitin from insects shells over time. The more that you know. Think Dials to cause anywhere from chronic illness to acute diseases, which is what Covid symptoms were, dials turned up.