it's comms, retardo
released 29 years, 291 days ago
posting will cease at 22666666
that imagebot is feeding you comms
726 is harpazo in Strong's Concordance
'7-11' = 9/11
today is 23 years, 23 weeks, 8 days since version one
Vati must have vacated the South Jersey shore.
No internet in his new bunker.
the imagebot has replaced him
22666666 is the post count that must be reached per the contract
go put your toes in the sand on the Atlantic shoreline
it's an imagebot meant to manage the post count
oh look, Fred is still breathing
and with live internet, too
still praying for you, Fred
incredibly sad that someone so gifted has chosen so poorly
released September 20, 1984
Matthew 19:24
anon bets you back Satan and are paid to post here
the planned, programmed END