he was a 95 year old
actor that didnt
expose shit
he took his own life
and convinced that cunt chink
who was probably related
former maui mayor
alan arakawa
my brother is ATC
came in under reagan
started in Louisiana
went to o'haire
then back home to MKE
he's done
he said fuck that
mf'er was makin'
100k in the 90's
if i get
5 more (You)s
I'm getting fired
i got shills to feed
54 at 270
fuck off dude
pray to the Lord
Christ Jesus
ask him for forgiveness
and follow Him
never stop praying
its simple
it's noon in Florida
still no list
fuckin kek
then post the verse
a .44 one inch bulldog
will do the trick
for up close
and personal