Quiet, retard. What did you do last week other than spam for the deep state?
>moar guud tunes
I'll see what I can do. Kind of stuck on a Steve Vai kick. Can't get over how easy he makes playing a guitar look. KEK. I also wonder how many people recognize where the opening lick is from in this video.
With an image… With a single image…
Where'd her boobs go?
Anons have had the list for a while so I don't know what kind of vindication everyone was expecting from the release for the normies wiping the sleep from their eyes. Yesterday's release, if anything, just fills in some of the gaps. Yesterday's release also put a new spin on the acronym spam that's been going on for 11 months.
"But it's trending and even regular people other than the deep state are using it."
I knew there was a reason why I should never use it, followed the gut and turned out I made the right decision. I'll never invoke that evil cunt's initials, I see it as the opposite of virtue signaling, evil's version of it.