Anonymous ID: a5199b Feb. 28, 2025, 3:07 p.m. No.22676556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6596 >>6628

>>22676405 lb


Sean Penn got paid $4 Million Dollars to go visit Cocainsky.


Same with all the other celebrities who went to Ukraine to prop up the green midget, to create fake love for Zelensky because they thought the sheeple will follow celebrities.

Anonymous ID: a5199b Feb. 28, 2025, 3:21 p.m. No.22676659   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>We will have negotiations


The Cocainsky midget and the whole Swamp Globalist/EU rats talk "as if" this Grifter has anything to "negotiate."


RUSSIA IS WINNING. Russia holds all the cards.


and in a few days, the Russians will have put the Ukrainians in Kursk in a CAULDRON. which means that the Ukies and their NATO "mercs" from France, Poland, Georgiz will be trapped inside the remaining area of Kursk.


Bloodbath coming. Even if they try to retreat across the border back into Sumy, there are moar casualties in retreat than going in.


Most sheeple are so misinformed that they think that just because Zelenskoke head says the word "negotiations" that Ukraine has any leverage over Russia to make Russia make any concession.

Nobody can call a "ceasefire" other than Russia. because Russia is gaining ground every single day.

Anonymous ID: a5199b Feb. 28, 2025, 3:37 p.m. No.22676769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6798




what they mean when they accuse you of being Russia Russia Russia is ackshually


the Jews hating on


Christians Christians Christians.


When you analyze what the libtards say to attack MAGA Patriots, just use this lens


who's saying it = Tribe member


who do they tell you to hate = Christians


Same with the EU, who pays them?

Their hate is always directed at countries not owned and controlled by, the Jewish Bankster Cartel, countries which they haven't stolen all its resources: Russia, Iran

Anonymous ID: a5199b Feb. 28, 2025, 3:45 p.m. No.22676826   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon watched the 7 minute clip a second time with the sound off, and just watched Cocainsky's face and body language.


What an arrogant narcissistic little shit.

When POTUS was talking about Ukraine and WWIII, Cocainsky kept pointing to himself.


Zelensky, Netanyahu's self importance- these people are insufferable.

Anonymous ID: a5199b Feb. 28, 2025, 3:52 p.m. No.22676858   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well he's already stollen a Billion Dollars of the US Aid sent to him.


his latest house on St. Barts. House only cost like 10 million Dollars, but the underground he's building costs 100 million.


St. Barts is the Billionaire's island.

Anonymous ID: a5199b Feb. 28, 2025, 4 p.m. No.22676912   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Hey macron……


>U let that church burn didn’t ya.


Macron is a Rothschild. Even after his major nose job he still looks tribe.


(((they))) have been destroying churches and killing Christians all over.

Anon read recently that over 600 churches in Canada were burned to the ground in the past year or so.


Part of the legacy media's job is to cover up the truth about who's doing what to whom.


It all boils down to this.

Russia Russia Russia


Why do they keep telling us to hate Russia?

without ever giving a reason.

because the real reason is:


Russia Russia Russia =


Christians Christians Christians


the only White Christian country on Earth no longer owned and operated by the Khazarian Mafia Jewish Bankster Cartel.


When Putin took office, he kicked out the Rothschild Bank.

Now you know why we're constantly told to hate Putin.

Anonymous ID: a5199b Feb. 28, 2025, 4:25 p.m. No.22677091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7104 >>7137 >>7148 >>7168 >>7213


UK globalist Keir Starmer had a meeting with POTUS yesterday.


This past week Anon has been hearing people on channels like Judge Napolitano and others that

on Feb. 16, four days before POTUS' inauguration, Keir Starmer went to Ukraine and signed a 100 year contract with Zelenskoke head, and in a secret part of that contract that Ukraine gives all its resourecs, gas, oil, minerals to the UK in exchange for UK providing security for Ukraine.


Scott Ritter said that POTUS had to know about that deal, and that's why POTUS kept talking about getting the Rare Earth in Ukraine for the $350 Billion Dollars that we gave them, in exchange for providing security for Ukraine.


POTUS was trolling Keir Starmer because POTUS knew that Zelensky had ALREAY signed over all of Ukraine's mineral rights to the UK, in a 100 year contract.


This means that POTUS knew that Z had no mineral rights to trade to the US, the coke midget had already signed it all over to the UK, Four Days Before POTUS' Inauguration.


What habbened when Keir Starmer went to the White House yesterday? probably to tell POTUS that the UK haz the rights to Ukraine's rare earths. which means that Zelenskyy has NO rare earth to trade with the US.

Anonymous ID: a5199b Feb. 28, 2025, 4:33 p.m. No.22677165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7183


oops. thanks fren.


Jan. 16, four days before POTUS' inauguration.


so Keir Starmer tried to beat POTUS to getting Ukraine's Rare Earths.


the funny part is that almost ALL of the Rare Earths are now part of Russia. haha


There are some in the Western part of Ukraine, like in Lviv,…. which historically used to be part of Poland, and Poland is planning to take Lviv back.

while some of the other Western parts will be taken back by Hungary and Romania, also historically part of their countries.