Anonymous ID: 20ee5e March 2, 2025, 3:47 p.m. No.22689737   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Dear Secretary Hegseth,

I think it would be cool if you'd please put out another video (publicly), asking Anons to post our five bullet points telling you what we did each week.

It might start waking the normies up to the concept that there are Anons out here, doing things to save the world, too.

Here are a few of mine:

● thanked the Bakers several times; not every bred, but enough to let them know that I appreciate them every day;

● posted deltas to help me remember what day it is because, well, most of the time I barely know what day it is here;

● continued some digging into [CLASSIFIED];

● discovered additional (new) evidence of ongoing criminal conduct by [CLASSIFIED];

● let out a victory yell when I found that stuff because I was overjoyed to learn that, after all this time (with all the exposure that [THEY] are getting) these people are still just as stupid as they were before, back when Q came here on October 28, 2017;

● archived over 1,000 documents and photos, both online (on multiple sites) and offline (in secured locations, both in the USA and abroad):

● created additional compilations based on the newly discovered, free-flying evidence of criminal conduct, for sharing with [CLASSIFIED]; and

● prayed to God, who's running this op.

Looking forward to another busy week so we can destroy our evil enemies who killed so many Americans and nearly destroyed The United States of America.

For God and country.
