Europe's New Fake "Peace Plan" Calls For World War With Russia
The UK is obviously trying to pull America into starting World War III, a war which would end in mutually assured destruction. UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced a "coalition of the willing" to step up efforts in support of Kiev.
Well, thank God the sane strong Trump leadership has has proved on live TV that America is unwilling to gamble with millions of lives and risk nuclear world war.
Starmer said he hopes this coalition will gain support and leadership from the Trump White House. "We are at a crossroads in history today," Starmer said after the summit of 18 leaders - which included Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
But one crucial line in his remarks detailing the plan caught many people's attention - the expressed willingness to put Western/NATO boots on the ground in Ukraine: "The UK are prepared to back this with boots on the ground and planes in the air," Starmer said. He also announced a £1.6bn missile deal for Ukraine, saying this "support for Ukraine is unwavering."
His rationale was that "We have to learn from the mistakes of the past, we cannot accept a weak deal… which Russia can breach with ease, instead any deal must be backed by strength."
He further in the wake of the disastrous Trump-Zelensky meeting said Europe will have to do the "heavy lifting" - and that's when he said it would be backed by boots on the ground.
For the love of God, I hope Trump scolds that insane idiotic lunatic Starmer far more harshly than he did Zelensky.
AMERICA HAS HAD ENOUGH, TRUMP. We will not fight Russia. If Trump does not tell that to these lunatics, the vast majority of Americans will, as I am doing right now!