This morning I woke up, had 2 tall cups of coffee, and went to the gym. There I did legs (leg press, lunges, calf raises), and abs.
When I got home I had breakfast, showered, and took my dog for a walk. Then the wife, baby, and I all went out to run some errands.
We went to an appliance store to look at washers/dryers. Then got lunch and walked around the mall a bit.
After that we stopped by the liquor store to get some bevs for the Oscars tonight. When I got home, I fed the dog and took him for another walk. She went and picked up dinner.
This is the first time I’m checking the boards all day and guess what: Literally nothing of consequence happened without me. I didn’t miss anything. I didn’t need to be sitting around scouring the internet for clockfaggotry or what some fucking retarded liberal said about Trump. I went out and ENJOYED my life. You guys should learn from me.