Well that sucks. Those injuries are more of an annoyance than a hindrance in my experience but do to the nature of its location with the amount of weight potentially being put on it it'll unfortunately take a while to heal. I've known a smashed toe or two over the course of my life.
Oh look, they're virtue signalling Ghislaine's initials again as a greeting.
The shills have already lost.
>I thought everybody knew Q was a larp at this point.
It's not a LARP. Didn't expect to see someone stupid enough to believe that it is.
Yeah, AEI likes writing "Night Shift" all over people's memes and VaticanClown claims he actually is "Night Shift" too so you sure got me. Keep using their greeting because it's trending, that came to be here after they destroyed how anons said good morning for years because it was a "namefag famefag rollcall," invoke her initials for them, I don't give a fuck. All I see is the shillfag, failfag rollcall when that gets posted. To each their own.
Funny how the acronym started being spammed every day all day after SmokingPepe shortened what they call him to SP. How very odd that's the exact moment when they started spamming that here, early 2024 of last year. In March to be exact. Guess they needed an acronym of their own.
Which makes it even funnier to me if they needed the initials of Ghislaine to combat the initials of Smoking Pepe.
I love how you have to pretend that's what everyone is doing or doing when in fact what that gen-z gaslighting deep state asset has to say is irrelevant and untrue.
>Thatโs why my comment was deleted right faggot.
Can't speak as to the motivations for your posts being deleted. Act like less of a retarded cunt and your posts probably won't be deleted.
>Got it
I really don't think you do after that retarded take. Begone from my sight, whiny clown.
That's actually the proper spelling of his name.
Just enough cowbell.