"You can to this. The CE5 app is in ALL the stores."
These folks are WAY to clever for ET.
"You can to this. The CE5 app is in ALL the stores."
These folks are WAY to clever for ET.
UFO Prophet Yahweh
Prophet Yahweh, or The Seer of Yahweh, (Ramon Watkins) was an American man who resided in Las Vegas, Nevada, and claimed to have the ability to summon UFOs by using passages from the Bible. He said that he developed this ability after studying the Old Testament in its original Hebrew form and acquiring knowledge related to UFOs from his personal studies. He was purported by his brother to have died from a heart attack in August, 2014.
I can't rip on this guy. Think about it. Imagine you saw something extraordinary in the sky and started seeing it on a regular basis. It is hard as an ordinary person to process and digest this ripping open of your perception of reality. Logic, rationality, wonder and patience are your only lifeline. You are NOT going to get help from others. I feel bad for this guy. He fell into the trap of thinking he was special or "chosen", that is was about "him", not keeping things in perspective.