when is POTUS going to restore accountability for fuckingGENOCIDE?
when is POTUS going to restore accountability for fuckingGENOCIDE?
Hello will this help with v2k and no touch torture.. not sure if these are the true names but. These people have been stalking for 10 month now. And everyday it gets worst.. they call me name unit I fall to sleep that's if they let me sleep most time the jolt my body really hard or hold my breathing.. and much more to graphic don't want to say here . But they can go every were I go.. even if I close my eyes they can make my vision sleep like lights are blinking.please help me it's very hard to explain.. I just need help no one is believe me.. and I found out that is the point..
Reply (2)
You have some type of nanotech in you that links you to an adversarial artificial intelligence AI system. The latest version of adversarial AI utilizes a Bio Cyber Physical System BCPS connect into the human body with nanotechnology. The frequency response range of the nanotech junk dosed in you can be as low as 2 Hz and as high as any low cost GaN CCP Shenzhen manufactured and exported wifi card or Bluetooth device can reach in the low GHz on a local LOTL based V2K based attack. Your computer can also get hacked and the sound card with speaker on the motherboard utilized to mess with you as well. The high frequency attacks are from local transmitters and the lower (golden) frequency attacks are typically from satcom and ELF psionic transmitters.
They also stop my internet or stop my phones from charging. Also they like to make my tv make a loud screeching noise if I'm not paying them any mind. Or make the lights in my home flicker
Reply (1)
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
That sounds like CCP nanotech. The flicker is the CCP nanotech junk that infiltrated your eyeballs (optogenetic cortex) and the flicker rate is due to the nanotech junk receiving a signal in the spectrum or magnetic harmonics from the electrical grid that is messing with your eyesight. There are two main categories of adversarial nanotech in the audio-video-communications nanotechnology CNT space, diamagnetic and paramagnetic. The CCP and their proxy terrorists like to deploy the weaponized CNT with paramagnetic graphene oxide in it.
great idea anon, there is also always the option of blowing up the 5G towers
Coming increase in rocket launches will damage ozone, alter climate, study finds
crimes against humanity.
the American people want a refund.
Every Red Cent.
true but Ozone is not