My first house was a run down piece of shit fixer upper and no one helped me one iota. Spouse and I and our baby were living on a shoestring and we got no assistance what so ever. We tried to get WIC but the office was in the Black neighborhood and all we got was a bitch that refused to even give us any info.
She should talk to some Muslim women who had their clit cut out before they reached puberty.
Instead of crying about the scourge of antisemitism, why don't the Jews just try to stop lying, cheating, stealing, and murdering?
The Jews will not be happy until all non-Jewish Whites are extinct.
Then they will declare themselves Lords & Masters over all POC.
The Jews bring in the Niggers to do their dirty work.
Just like when they brought the violent Black gangs into the White neighborhoods in Chicago in the 1960s.
A quote from a guy who wasn't married himself.
Like taking parenting advice from a person who has no children of their own.
The problem is that Jews are White.
They are chameleons. They can change from White to Jew and back again as needed for their own advantage.
So Whites can never get away from Jews, because Jews are White.
Jews are a Criminal Mafia Organization posing as a Race & a Religion. They are really just Whites who are part of a Criminal Mafia called The Jews.
Slippery Slope
Could lead to all of humanity being mind controlled slaves.
Of whom.
Let me guess.
She can now have her own private armed security team. And then tell everyone else that they need to be unarmed and unable to protect themselves and their families because guns are scary.
She fails to mention that the Soviet Union was created by The Jews.
You're doing it right here, right now.