Note how it was anything white would have “supremacy” with it well how about now they want to make it Trump su… this them seeking the white nationals image of things and this person is connected to my phone putting this on all the time…
This is their race baiting is the bottom line… so this where I do not think Trump or any supporters are white supremacy people.
Note auto correct now put “Rump” so this how they relate woman to sticking out their butts at me sexually harassing me… saying that this is acceptable behavior for woman to do to men… no one will ever believe a man is being constantly sexually harassed. I believe this is a theme to make a man hated in a ploy to try to make him be gay with African American gay men… this what they keep demand happens so they can human traffic me…
This just not normal and continues to keep happening to me where ever I go.
This how they make men no longer want to do anything period and say this is being supportive so to speak and in reality it is gang stalking so on though electrics.
This is because the issues have not been addressed thar happened so now it is like I take anything that is going on as something that is like this now…
This how they train you to be turned off by woman in general and period and try to force you to be gay with African American gay men…
Or they call you racist… this the new diversity line you can be as racist as you want to be as long as you call it diversity is now the line with things and people.
Watch out I going to get the friends that are diversity and or play off these groups so on and then call you racist. Then we will get all the gender equality woman to sexually harass you with gang stalking application and groups.
This is serious shit…
This being like this is similar to if a male grabbed his balls at a female. It is different if it is just one person sometimes although theoretically it is not supposed to be… but I got large amounts of people doing this is the issue around me so on…
This has ruined any concept of any relationship going on and they keep telling me they are the “Don King” and the “donkey Kong” and can do what ever they want to in this way…
This how they ruin your life and tell you give them money…
Or just continued to go on
I am not trying to be mean really not but it is like people are trying to use me for anything they want at any time.