Anonymous ID: ec570b March 4, 2025, 5:14 a.m. No.22698257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8269

Random Epstein Pedo Ring Thought:


If Ehud Barak met with Epstein multiple times and flew on his private jet, who's to say he wasn't being blackmailed as well?


If he was being blackmailed….or even if we say he wasn't, but was in charge of all blackmailing …. who's to say he wasn't blackmailing Israeli politicians?


If Israeli politicians were being blackmailed along with American politicians, it begs the question, who was doing the blackmailing?


James Bond / Intel Community common sense kinda dictates you don't meet with the asset directly, SOOOOooo, if Epstein was the asset, why would Ehud Barak meet with him if Ehud was in charge of everything…? Ehud would want to keep that under wraps…would more than likely set up a mid or top tier field agent to "run" the asset.


Would Ehud get that sloppy? Meet with the most important asset ? travel direct to the honey pot?


Perhaps Ehud was the only one worth blackmailing in Israel? (seems unlikely)

Anonymous ID: ec570b March 4, 2025, 6:05 a.m. No.22698446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8478


>President Milei agreed to open Argentina's archives of how Swiss banks helped Nazis escape Europe after the war


>a bunch of old-money families about to look bad



Anonymous ID: ec570b March 4, 2025, 6:10 a.m. No.22698478   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I know one of those….

My fren Verena from Buenos Aires…we met on an internship. Stunningly beautiful German/Argentine babe.

Went to go visit her in in BA, right on the living room end table was a pic of her grandfather in full SS Regalia.


She explained it was the only picture they had of him after the war. And that b/c he came from an affluent family it was "serve" or perish. So, he served….and tried to make the most moral choices possible (i guess like Bonhoeffer). The jackboot was on everyone.


Her father was a big time judge.


She was the sweetest….no hate in her body / mind….nor her dads.